join your sisterhood.
a MAPP for financial independence, career growth, personal confidence.
MAPP MEMBER $185 Annually
Become a MAPP Member. All proceeds from your annual membership go towards MAPP programs empowering women to lead.
Create your OWN roadMAPP for success
Get Key Introductions and Connections to grow your career
Free Educational Resources access webinars, toolkits, workshops to grow your skills & business
Entrepreneurial support, mentorship pairings, questions & advice to start your own business or scale & grow
Member Directory inclusion with fellow women you respect and admire and contact them directly
Access to MAPP Virtual Mentorship Circles, workshops & externships
Invitations to MAPP Mentorship Meals to learn from each other & make new friendships over great food & drink
MAPP Impact Member App to Learn and Engage with a community of like-minded individuals, post jobs, ask questions and build your network
Invitation to events a great way to learn, make new friendships and enjoy exquisite experiences
Media inclusion, get featured in press and major publications for your work and initiatives. MAPP will get you the press you deserve
Social Media Spotlight on @mappimpact & E-Newsletter Spotlight on exclusive members-only email subscription to MAPP members, partners, sponsors, and allies
Member Discounts to industry events, conferences, vendors and products
Download the MAPP Member APP here:

A MAPP membership is one of the most valuable investments you can make in yourself. Reach your fullest potential with MAPP tool-kits, conferences, mentors & partners. Your success & sisterhood is what helps MAPP be the best it can be.
MAPP Sky’s the Limit presented by Delta Air Lines and PepsiCo
Awarded to Chef Adé Carrena paired with Michelin Star Chef Georgiana Viou of Nîmes, France. Launching MAPP’s Global Women Leadership Initiative
Student /Young Professional Membership $40 annually
To access mentorship become a MAPP Member.
Just starting out in your career and want to take it to the next level become a young professional MAPP member and access educational resources, community-building, and mentorship on many levels
Become a MAPP Member. All proceeds from your annual membership go towards MAPP programs empowering women to lead.
Be currently enrolled in a culinary or hospitality program
Be employed in the industry for 3 years or fewer
Be post-grad for 3 years or fewer
Benefits include:
Networking opportunities with professionals in your community and nationwide
Access to renowned chefs and restaurant opportunities
Mentorship Opportunities
Opportunity to receive free stage
One-on-One Mentorship
Educational Resources
Virtual Circles (min. of 25 student memberships)
Student/young professional discount to events/conference
Potential to become a MAPP ambassador to create a leadership group locally
Membership Discounts to MAPP trusted vendors and other leading organizations’ resources
Free Digital Viewing Opportunity of A Fine Line, named Vanity Fair’s Best Documentary by a 1st time filmmaker and the film that inspired the launch of MAPP (min. of 40 student memberships).
Exclusive email subscription & network (members only)
Receive inspiring correspondence & updates, industry news
Gold Seal Supporting Women Leadership in Hospitality and F&B
We will provide the MAPP Seal for you to share on your website and social media letting your teams know how you prioritize women leadership and inclusivity
Get a shoutout on our social media & national newsletter recognizing your industry leadership and any initiatives supporting women in hospitality and F&B
MAPP Mentorship Toolkit for your workplace turning managers into mentors
Gold Seal & Mentorship Partner
All of the above included in the Gold Seal, and:
* All-paid externship awarded to one of your employees coordinated by MAPP with an industry leader
* Virtual Mentorship circle MAPP presents courtesy of your company and shared on all our social media channels, newsletter and mobile application.
Thank you to MAPP Corporate Partners who have paved paths towards advancement for women in hospitality and F&B
SPONSOR A roadMAPP Series for your Workplace or School
Our RoadMAPP program is a way to customize virtual tools, learning and deeper engagement for your organization around themes that are important to you. Let us know how we can help.
If you are an organization or company looking to partner as a MAPP member or advisor, please contact our team at mappimpact@gmail.com.
Choose from 3 Membership Tiers:
Restaurant Member Benefits:
Everything in MAPP’s Membership plus:
MAPP Mentorship/Equity Toolkit to use in your workplace
Mental Health Resources from MAPP Partners
MAPP Membership provided for your employees (specific to each restaurant revenue level)
MAPP Conference Discount for your employees
Restaurant Spotlight on @mappimpact & @afinelinemovie social media
40 minutes Brainstorming Session with MAPP to host an Advocacy Event in your community.
Introductions to industry-wide experts and providers for what you are seeking
Newsletter Spotlight on you, your business and team promoting initiatives and your business
Part of a collective of gutsy, smart female entrepreneurs uplifting each other and their communities
Questions? Contact MAPP at hello@mappimpact.org
Community, Network, Opportunity
Apply to join the MAPP Ambassador Program! Thank you for joining our sisterhood, empowering women to lead through mentorship, advocacy, pandemic relief, and believing in the power of women.
Questions: hello@mappimpact.org
Exclusive email subscription
Advanced invitations to exclusive events & programming
Gated Facebook Community Group to vent, learn, network, post, share and grow